The Grand Ducal Family
Social engagement

Visit to Bangladesh 2003

Visit to Bangladesh 2003

Visit to Bangladesh 2003

Visit to Bangladesh 2003: Professor Yunus and the Grand Duchess

Visit of H.R.H. the Grand Duchess to Burundi in June 2009

Visit of H.R.H. the Grand Duchess to Burundi in June 2009

November 2013: State visit to the Republic of Turkey

Audience with the founder of Maison Shalom and the Burundi's UNICEF representative in December 2013

April 2015: Celebration of the 70th anniversary of UNESCO in Paris

September 2016: Visit to the reception centre in Dudelange

September 2016: Visit to the reception centre in Dudelange

December 2016: Audience of the winners of the 2016 Sakharov Prize

December 2016: Visit to schools in Ermsdorf and Medernach

December 2016: Visit to schools in Ermsdorf and Medernach

December 2016: Visit to schools in Ermsdorf and Medernach

March 2017: Visit to the "Kannerklinik"

March 2017: Visit to the Jean Heinisch Centre

March 2017: Visit to ‘ATD Quart Monde’ in Dommeldange

March 2017: S.A.R. Board of Directors of the Crédit Agricole Grameen Foundation

April 2017: Opening ceremony of the "Relais pour la Vie"

June 2017: Exhibition of survivors of sexual violence in Geneva

July 2017: 440th ‘Midi de la Microfinance’

November 2017: Opening of the Global Social Business Summit

November 2017: Meeting with the founder of the neighbourhood concierge initiative "Lulu dans ma rue"

November 2017: Unesco: Tribute to Mrs Irina Bokova

November 2017: Roundtable on ‘Domestic Violence’

February 2018: 40th birthday of the Tricentenaire

February 2018 : 40th birthday of the Tricentenaire

March 2018 : "Streetwork Uewerstad"

March 2018 : Visit to the "Wanteraktioun" at the Findel

March 2018 : Visit to the "Wanteraktioun" at the Findel

September 2018: Inauguration of the Centre for the Development of Learning "Grand Duchess Maria Teresa"

May 2018 : 50th anniversary of the Association of Parents of Mentally Handicapped Children

June 2018: Inauguration of the new premises of the "House of Startups"

June 2018: Storms at Müllerthal in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

June 2018 : Storms in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: Müllerthal

June 2018 : Floods in Luxembourg - Visit to Müllerthal

June 2018: "Not A Target" campaign organised by the Luxembourg Red Cross

September 2018: Stand Speak Rise Up working meeting with Dr Mukwege and Céline Bardet.

September 2018: Stand Speak Rise Up working meeting with Dr Mukwege and Céline Bardet.

September 2018: Inauguration of the Centre for the Development of Learning "Grand Duchess Maria Teresa"

September 2018: 20th anniversary of the ALAN association

September 2018: 20th anniversary of the ALAN association

October 2018: First edition of the "Lux4Good" hackathon in Luxembourg

October 2018 : Humanitarian trip to Lebanon

October 2018 : Humanitarian trip to Lebanon

October 2018 : Humanitarian trip to Lebanon

October 2018 : Humanitarian trip to Lebanon

October 2018: Humanitarian trip to Lebanon

October 2018 : Humanitarian trip to Lebanon

November 2018: Grand Duchess at the 2018 Women's Forum Global Meeting

November 2018: The Grand Duchess at the 10th anniversary of the Crédit Agricole Grameen Foundation with Professor Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize

November 2018 : Screening of the film "I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced"

November 2018 : Screening of the film "I Am Nojoom, Age 10 and Divorced"

November 2018: Conference "From words to action" organised by the Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation

November 2018: Conference "From words to action" organised by the Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation

November 2018: Conference "From words to action" organised by the Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation

November 2018: "Entretiens de Royaumont" on the theme "Being a Woman

November 2018: "Entretiens de Royaumont" on the theme "Being a Woman

In Paris, the Grand Duchess met with the Director General of Unesco, Mrs Audrey Azoulay, during a working meeting in anticipation of her forum "Stand Speak Rise Up!", organised on 26 and 27 March in Luxembourg - January 2019

Official presentation of the international forum "Stand Speak Rise Up!", an initiative of H.R.H. the Grand Duchess - January 2019

Official presentation of the international forum "Stand Speak Rise Up!", an initiative of H.R.H. the Grand Duchess - January 2019

Official presentation of the international forum "Stand Speak Rise Up!"

February 2019 : The Grand Duchess launches an appeal on social networks

February 2019 : The Grand Duchess launches an appeal on social networks

February 2019 : The Grand Duchess launches an appeal on social networks

March 2019: Prior to the Stand Speak Rise Up! forum, the Grand Duchess participates in a flashmob organised by Grant Thornton Luxembourg

March 2019 : The Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess support the survivors

LL.AA.RR. the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess, with Mr. Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister, at the international forum Stand Speak Rise Up!

The Grand Duchess at the international forum "Stand Speak Rise Up!

The Grand Duchess at the international forum "Stand Speak Rise Up!

The Grand Duchess at the international forum "Stand Speak Rise Up!

The Grand Duchess at the international forum "Stand Speak Rise Up!

H.R.H. the Grand Duchess visits the studio of the artist Jacques Schneider, the "Kritzel Fabrik", to discover his work around the Stand Speak Rise Up! forum.

H.R.H. the Grand Duchess receives in audience representatives of the Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO).

Orange Week 2019 - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Orange Week - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Orange Week - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Orange Week - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Orange Week - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Orange Week - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Orange Week - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Orange Week - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

H.R.H. the Grand Duchess at the Special Sessions organised for Human Rights Day

H.R.H. the Grand Duchess at the Special Sessions organised for Human Rights Day

H.R.H. the Grand Duchess at the Special Sessions organised for Human Rights Day

H.R.H. the Grand Duchess at the Special Sessions organised for Human Rights Day

The Grand Duchess during her visit to the Norbert Ensch Care Centre in Contern

The Grand Duchess during her visit to the Norbert Ensch Care Centre in Contern

The Grand Duchess during her visit to the Norbert Ensch Care Centre in Contern

The Grand Duchess during her visit to the Norbert Ensch Care Centre in Contern

The Grand Duchess during her visit to the Norbert Ensch Care Centre in Contern

The Grand Duchess during her visit to the Norbert Ensch Care Centre in Contern

The Grand Duchess during her visit to the Norbert Ensch Care Centre in Contern

The Grand Duchess during her visit to the Norbert Ensch Care Centre in Contern

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors.

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors

The Grand Duchess visits the Pontalize Centre for seniors