
Visit to the University of Oxford

During his stay in England, HRH the Grand Duke visited Oxford, a city famous for its renowned University and historic monuments. The Head of State also had lunch with Miles Young, Warden of New College.

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Dans le cadre des « Trinity Term », le Grand-Duc a prononcé un discours à la « Oxford Union Society », qui est l'une des sociétés étudiantes les plus prestigieuses au monde. Devant une centaine d’entre eux, Son Altesse Royale a abordé l’histoire du Luxembourg et sa réussite dans le cadre de l’intégration européenne, tout en soulignant la relation historique entre le Grand-Duché et le Royaume-Uni.

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I hope I could convince you that my country is an example of how a small nation can achieve great things through strategic economic planning, political stability, and cultural inclusivity. Its story is one of resilience, adaptability, and forward-thinking, making it a true European success story.
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